The Thrilling and Rewarding Experience of Trying Something New

self confidence

Trying something new  makes a person vulnerable because you feel as if all your imperfections are exposed.

“I’m dumb.”

“I look stupid doing this.” “I’m too slow.”

“I keep making mistakes, they will laugh at me.” 

“They’ll criticize me.”

I think we all go through those moments, and it dates back to our childhood.

Dreading Birthday parties

Solitude is crucial

When I was young, I never liked going to birthday parties. In the off chance that I attend one, I’d most likely be near the food (okay, THAT is true up to today). I’d be quietly eating in one area near my mom – up until some adult would pull me to join the games (ugh!).

I remember the inner torment I go through! I had  this intense, desperate wish to be safe in  my own room, instead of being surrounded by strangers, loud music and jarring chatter.

Control the Situation - not the other way around

You’d think that when we grow up, it will be different! Maybe the circumstances we find ourselves in are different, and we are older.  But the feeling of not belonging or looking stupid are uncomfortably familiar.  Given all this, I guess the best thing to do is cope and find a way to control the situation — not the other way around.  How do we do that? Personally, I go through THREE questions.

Why do you want to try it?

This first question drowns out all those negative comments in my mind.  It is as if answering the question distracts me from the fear of the unknown.

“I want to try it because I’m intrigued.”

“I’ve always wanted to do it.”

“I’ve been thinking about it lately.”

I get to focus on my personal reason for wanting to try something new.  The desire to know and wanting to experience something new now becomes my motivation.

Will you regret not doing it?

Mark Twain quote

I don’t want to end up thinking of the what if’s.

If you feel that you will be hounded by  ‘Sayang or Ano kaya…? ‘Then I suggest you just go for it.

At the end of the day, you will only have yourself to blame if you didn’t even try.  You may end up failing. You may end up not liking whatever it is that you were curious about, but at least NOW YOU KNOW and move from there.  Just like me and riding a bike haha – now’s a whole different story, for another time.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

In all my workshops, whenever appropriate, I mention the term: CALCULATED RISK. We need to think of the consequence and the impact. Now when you think of what you want to try or start doing, WHAT’s THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOU FAIL?  You’ll be embarrassed? For how long? Will people remember?

And if they did, should you really care? If the risks are low and the rewards outweigh the risks, then I say do it!

you need to try

A Calculated Risk

Personally, SimplyCarics is a calculated risk.  It started as a very faint, whispering thought… something I couldn’t even bring myself to say out loud for months. Until one post in FB led to a private conversation between me and Jaine, a grade school friend living in Toronto. Perhaps the fact that she and I were not each other’s regular circle of friends made it easier to open up.  It was the perfect mix of childhood closeness with a measure of distance and respect for the grown up version of us, without the “familiarity breeds contempt” which sometimes gets in the way.  It was when she said that it was a good idea and that it is “cathartic”; we are of that age when it shouldn’t matter what others say.  

That gave me enough push to openly explore how to start a blog, and led me to more self-motivation and dialogues with myself (yes… I am that person haha).

I began to assure myself, “I taught in high school, I trained the cabin crew, pilots, ground personnel, leaders and teams so I should be okay, right?”

Success vs Failure

My intention is to reach out and share my ideas to a wider audience in a different medium. The idea of achieving that dream appealed to me much more than the fear of failure.

Now that I’m sharing my experience of trying something new, I do hope it encourages you to listen to that faint whispering thought….who knows? Those three questions may lead you to a wonderful new adventure, achievement or lifelong dream! What have you got to lose???? 🙂

follow your dream