About Me

I’m a working mom who, like a lot of  you out there, have life experiences worth sharing. Because of that, I felt the need to Reach Out,  Exchange Ideas, Inspire Others to Live Life to the Fullest.             

I realized that in my (gasp!) almost thirty years of working in different industries (airline, education, hotel), I was always conversing with people as a flight attendant, teacher, events coordinator, trainer, team lead and coach. 

In that sense, writing a blog that aims to be interesting, entertaining, informative for others is the natural next step for a Gen Xer like me.




What will I write about?



One benefit of working for an airline is the opportunity to bring my family to places I only read about. Given that, I’d love to share photos, favorite places, new discoveries.   Usually, the plans I come up with are the result of research, luck and conversations with fellow travel enthusiasts. That’s why I’m excited to exchange travel tips with all of you. As I always say in my workshops, “I share ideas and would love to learn from you too.”




When I hit my forties, I noticed that my metabolism slowed down considerably. So keeping fit and exploring ways to make work outs fun are part of the changes I’ve made in my life. While I do try to watch what I eat and drink, make NO mistake, I am not one to shy away from a good prime rib, baked potato, sinful desserts, chips, cold beer, nice Riesling, a Cabernet…. you get the drift right? It’s just that I believe in striking a healthy balance.



  • FOOD.

Since I love to eat and drink, cook and entertain, I’ll be sharing recipes and recommending places to eat. There are  just so many delicious food to try out there and it would be such a shame not to sample them.


Am I an expert in anything?

Far from it. But I am passionate about living my best life.   I’m also a curious person. Well … curious about things that interest me – and there’s a lot.

Imagine if more people were to reach out and take the time to explain, discuss and learn from each other!

That being said, I bet you have many fascinating stories and adventures too. I do hope you can join me here in this safe space. All Good Vibes. Share with me your own way to live life to the fullest! 

 “Happiness is not about getting all you want,

   it is about enjoying all you have.”
