dont wish for it

Simple Tips To Jumpstart Fitness from “Should” to “Will”

Discipline is needed

Jumpstart fitness through these simple tips I put together through years of trial and error in my own journey to being healthier. One problem I see for a lot of people is that we look at the healthy and fit and think, ‘Oh wow! That’s easy for HIM to do because…. (insert reason).” And then we say “I can’t do that because (insert reason).”  But you know what? It all starts with how much you want that change and your readiness to take that step. Each person has his own story; some suddenly just start being conscious of how they look and feel.  Others experience a health scare. All those stories end with a decision to exercise and eat healthier.

From "I Should" to "I Will"

In my case, I noticed that it was getting harder to keep the weight off and  my energy reserves were easily depleted at the end of the day.  So I clearly wanted to go back to my younger self, in look and feel. But even with that goal in mind, it took me MORE THAN HALF A YEAR to move from “I should” to “I will.”

It is one thing to WANT to change something in your life, and it is a much harder and more daunting task to really start.

I had fair warning from my college friend Caesar when I was in Singapore years ago. I was asking him how he managed to maintain his weight and fitness regimen.  He told me that I need to remind myself that it ISN’T a diet, an exercise program. It is an overall lifestyle change.  That’s the only thing that will make it sustainable.

Weight loss begins in the mind

You're Off to A Good Start!

The fact that you’re reading this blog to compare notes, perhaps get ideas on how to jumpstart your fitness or just curious is a great start. I welcome you to our shared safe space to get inspired and follow some of my tips which come from my own hits and misses:

1.Set A Realistic Goal

2.Think of the Benefits

3. Take Baby Steps

4.Weigh or Measure Yourself But Don’t Obsess Over It

5. Fail Fast and Learn From It

1. Set a Realistic Goal.

write down your fitness goal

Most people get overwhelmed after realizing the amount of work needed. so they end up not even trying. I’ve been there. 

Don’t fret. Just start with the simple steps.

Answer the following questions to make sure your goal is REALISTIC:

What is your actual goal? It must be something you can measure, using a scale or point of comparison that is tangible (observable and factual).

When is your target completion date? Make it a specific date, not an approximate month or week.

How will you achieve your goal? Research, ask around, observe your friends who already have that healthy lifestyle. Each person is different so consider your schedule, your resources, even your likes and dislikes. I personally don’t like running and I get bored easily. So I do high intensity drills instead of steady running.  And I mix up my routine. Decide on things you want to do because this is YOUR fitness plan.

2. Think of the Benefits.

motivation to keep going

Visualize how you will look and feel once you achieve your goal.

For example, you’ll have a  lower risk of having a stroke. You will no longer be out of breath when you walk up a flight of stairs. You’ll be more confident.

Believe me, there will be a lot of instances when you’re too busy to walk or think you DESERVE that amount of carbs. When those days hit you, all that can save you is the reason WHY you are exercising or being disciplined in what you eat.

Focusing on results will create that determined mindset.  From experience, when I’m full but want to eat more, or when I am lazy to exercise, I remind myself  how I will feel and look once I achieve my goal.

3. Take Baby Steps.

Be Easy on Yourself

If you’re just starting your journey to a healthier you, don’t go to the extreme.  Don’t skip meals, join a marathon or do a juice fast for a week!

Let your body get used to the new routine slowly. Instead of a marathon, just walk for about twenty minutes at a time.  Instead of fasting, take lighter meals or stay off the soda, dessert or chips first.

One day, you will suddenly  feel that 20 minute walk is too short because you’re not as tired. I remember when I started joining the hubby for walks and I’d want to go back halfway into it. But after awhile, I didn’t notice that I completed the walk with him without complaining!  My stamina increased and I was more fit. 

4. Weigh or Measure Yourself but Don't Obsess  Over It

FItness Coaches Nexie & Bean

I used to weigh myself every day and it would drive me nuts!!! I’d start the day already frustrated. Then I figured, why be that obsessed with it? There are different schools of thought on whether to weigh or not and how frequent you should do it. 

I think it really will depend on YOU.  For me, I needed to track my progress but I only weighed every other day, first thing in the morning.

But there was a time my pants’ waistbands were looser but I weighted the same.  It meant that I lost fat and gained muscle mass. And that’s better! Don’t just go for weight loss. I read up on it and I was right not to obsess over the scale! 

5. Fail Fast and Learn From It.

consistency is key

Expect that you will schedule walks, lay out clothes for a workout, order a low calorie meal, and end up waking up too late, getting called for a zoom meeting or receiving a takeout meal which you cannot refuse. You will have days when you’re too lazy to work out or you succumb to eating that second scoop of ice cream… Those are NORMAL reactions and actions!  Don’t beat yourself over it! Remember: your mind and body need to adjust to the new fitness routine.  So as long as you correct your mistakes, adjust and readjust your eating habits, you are okay. We want to be healthier WITHOUT STARVING or BEING PHYSICALL Y EXHAUSTED.  Believe me, that’s not sustainable or even practical, most important, it is NOT HEALTHY.

This is for you so you can LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!  Your fitness journey will be an exciting experience; you will find inner strength and discipline that you didn’t think you had.  Just focus on the five steps and you will get there, the healthy way! Good luck and keep at it 🙂

I do hope this post has been of help to you.  If you noticed, I added articles that I came across in my continuous effort to see if I am on the right track with my habits.  Let me know if you have questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you.