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7 Simple Tips to Make Junk Foods into Health Food

I always want to have an element of FUN in my diet or workout. Life is Too Short NOT to. So what could be more fun than making our favorite junk food healthier?! 

I guarantee that adding or changing a few things will make you eat less and or give you more nutrients – therefore making our favorite snack, HEALTHIER!

Now for this blog, I’m defining junk food as chips, sweetened breakfast cereals, fried fast food, cakes, cookies and pastries.

Looking at this list, I know that’s not everything but we have to leave some junk food alone, right?

If Only We Can Eat Whatever We Want....

Honestly, if we found out that junk food is actually nutritious and  more effective in burning fat… wouldn’t we ALL fill up our refrigerator and cupboards with JUST junk food?  

Since that scientific breakthrough hasn’t happened yet (please correct me IMMEDIATELY if I’m wrong on this) … and we all need to eat the proper foods, and eat in moderation

Let me share some of my tips on how to have your chips and be healthier too.

Please give them a try and let me know what you think!

Tip No.1 Don't eat from the bag.

I know it’s convenient to eat directly from the bag but trust me,  that’s how most diets get ruined! Before you know it, you’ve eaten more than half its contents! Transfer your yummy chips to a different container so you can limit the amount you eat.  

If you follow my advise, you’ll be eating healthier because you’ve eaten less of the unwanted calories, fats, salt or sugar.


Make Junk Food Healthier

Tip No.2 Use a pretty bowl or plate.

Putting your chips in a nice bowl will divert your attention from your self-imposed junk food restriction.  Now when you see the bottom of your pretty bowl, don’t succumb to the temptation to fill it up again or else you’ll sabotage your efforts to eat healthier. Well, okay, allow yourself a second bowl from time to time. I’m all for self love and self care!

Tip No.3 Mix it all up.

I’ve posted pictures of my own mixed junk food on my FB and some told me they’ll do the same. After all, we all experience cravings and usually it’s not just for one kind of junk food. 

Maybe it’s the diet? Or the thought that we are restricting ourselves… Or maybe we just love our junk food! Whatever the reason, I find that putting potato chips, cheese curls, some pretzels, nuts, sun chips in one lovely bowl (I have several ones to choose from, depending on my mood) satisfies my cravings.

I get to enjoy the different tastes and textures and it distracts me from the sad fact that I am limited to a bowl.

JunkFood Made Healthier

Take note: the bowl size remains the same, no matter  how many kinds of chips you decide to have!

Tip No.4 Add fruit, nuts, grains or veggie whenever you can

Now before you roll your eyes or groan, hear me out!

Here are yummy combinations to make junk food healthier:


  • scoop some freshly chopped tomatoes with each chip (if you’re pressed for time, you can use canned chopped tomatoes)  Personally prefer fresh. The canned ones I use for sauces. Well that’s for a different blog altogether!) so each bite of nachos has lycopin, vitamin C, vitamin B,  potassium and all other goodness.
  • mash some avocado and make your own guacamole to go with the nachos for some good fats to make you feel fuller plus vitamins C, E, K and B6. That will take some of the guilt away from the carbo and salt loading.
  • add the nachos to cole slaw and you have a healthy salad that’s a mix of salty, crunchy and creamy goodness full of vitamin A, C, K, beta-carotene coming from cabbage and carrots combined.                                                                                                                                                                           But go easy on the mayo please!
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Take note: It’s always a lot healthier to make your own salsa (chopped tomatoes), gaucamole (mashed avocado) and cole slaw (blanched shredded cabbage & carrots mixed with mayo)


Add nuts, chopped apples, chopped fruits like apple, strawberry. banana for  a multivitamin pack. Tip: I add plain cereal  to lessen my sugar intake.

Put the cereal on top of oatmeal so you can lower your cholesterol but still have the sweetness of cereal. 



Make your own dip. (I will share all my home made dips in a different blog). You can use plain sour cream or greek yogurt or add grated cheese in the dip. Believe me, home made is a lot healthier than ready made.

Yummy Healthy Breakfast

Tip No.5 Have it on the side

When you feel like having chips, it’s much healthier to have it as part of your lunch as accompanying snack. An example of this is a sandwich with fries or chips on the side.

That way, you satisfy your craving for salty chips but limit the intake since you are already having your main meal.

Tip No.6 Use a smaller plate.

It will trick your eye into thinking there is more of the deliciously sinful sweets. At the same time, it will hopefully discourage you from making extra efforts to refill that lovely plate (yes, make it a nice-looking plate! same reason as the bowl above).  Your teeth and sugar levels will thank you for the healthier choice. There you go! Maximum Impact with Minimum Calories! 

Junk Food Made Healthier

Tip No.7 Have a glass of water before you eat.

Drink water before you start any meal.   Then continue to sip water in between bites. This will make you fuller.  More importantly, you will hydrate without forcing the issue.  I say force because I am one of those people who has to be reminded to hydrate!  Another benefit f drinking water is that it cleanses the palette.  Now what is its significance? Well, everytime you take a bite, the sweet or salty taste becomes shaper and more enjoyable.

I do hope you try these tips I put together.

They are by no means a complete guide to a healthier you, but I guarantee it is a promising beginning!

Do let me know if you also have tips you can share — I’d love to try them too. 

Happy Eats!


  • Evette

    Wow I agree totally w how we see food.. 😁Presentation tricks. the. Mind and satisfies the senses makes us happy, rich and filled up.. Hhahaha will try with nachos.. Miss it and I did have chips with Nam prik-a special Thai chili sauce similar to salsa that our friend gave us since no salsa.. will let the kids tru this one of these days w real finely diced tomatoes and other yummy veggies. ❤️

    • Rica

      Hi EJ! Yes try it! I’m so sure there are more yummy vegetables you can incorporate into the food 🙂 Just so we feel less guilty about the junk food hahahaha take care and be well!

  • Cecile Muñoz

    I love junk food! Though I try as much to control it, craving comes once in a while. Your pictures (especially the green bowl) are enticing!

    • Rica

      Thanks Cez! You’ll be delighted to know that that was such a find; super value for money! It perks me up every time I use it 🙂 Cravings hit us once in a while and that’s our way to nurture ourselves and spoil ourselves sometimes. Just in moderation if we can hel it aargh. Stay in touch Cez!

  • Camille Santos

    Awesome tips! I will surely try these out for myself
    especially my children who looove to snack! Hope the nice bowl technique works on them!

    Thanks Rica and goodluck!